Pilates can be for anyone

and everyone.

- Rael Isacowitz, Founder of BASI Pilates




Next 5 Week Blocks begin Tuesday 30th April 2024

Kirkbean Village Hall

Tuesdays 10-11am

Tuesday 6-7pm

Wednesdays 9-10am

Thursdays 10-11am


New to Pilates or have had a long break from Pilates and would like to start again at the Foundation Level, please get in touch. Private 1:1 sessions also available.



Thank you to Shambellie house for hosting this event and to all those who attended.

“I feel very relaxed and comfortable in class. My confidence in Pilates has really developed as a result of Lois’ positive and supportive approach. Lois offers sensitive feedback and communicates clearly to support us as we are going through the exercises. I particularly like how she talks through each movement as we do an exercise. I like how she gives individual feedback when necessary.

“I find Lois to be a highly motivating teacher. She uses a very gentle approach to encourage us to get the exercise right, but at the same time you know she has high expectations! Her positive and encouraging attitude certainly keeps me motivated and I want to get it right! The lessons are really well prepared and at the end of a lesson I can now see how she has grouped activities to form a complete workout.

“I like how Lois is able to adapt sections of the lesson and able to differentiate for different Pilates abilities! She has built up very good relationships with us all and connects really well with the class members. I like how Lois is totally focused and professional during the lessons. They start on time and we work steadily through the whole lessson.”

— Dr Moira Leslie



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